Our Background
We, the Zen-Noh Group, are the trusted and reliable go-between linking Japanese Wagyu, Rice and Fruit and Veg farmers with the world. We are a cooperative which aims to maximize the return to our farmers in Japan while bringing the best quality products to the world.
The Zen-Noh London office was set up to achieve that mission in the UK and across Europe via our network of partners, bringing produce from our farmer members to consumers in this region.

National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations
The Japan Agricultural Cooperatives (JA) Group is an organization consisting of farmers’ cooperatives, whose purpose is to protect and enhance agricultural management and the livelihood of farmers in the spirit of mutual assistance.
The National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations (ZEN-NOH) is in charge of the marketing and supply business of the JA Group. It seeks to connect producers and consumers, revitalize production centers, and preserve society and the environment. Through integration with prefectural-level JA federations in the course of organizational restructuring aimed at strengthening its business foundation, the ZEN-NOH Group has now 32 Prefectural Headquarters and one Prefectural Office nationwide.
To learn more about our global footprint, please click on the link below.